A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour is headed straight for The People’s Lounge (TPL) this weekend -Friday through Sunday, August 15–17, 2008 - and we are in search of… GOOD MEN!!!!
So why are we in search of… GOOD MEN?
Well there’s something to be said about a man who really loves the woman in his life. And ONLY a man can really answer the tour questions we have in store for everyone this weekend! Ladies, this doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear from you, because we do! But this weekend, we want to take some time out to find out from the men… when a man loves a woman, is it really as our tour title states… A Love For All Times!!!
Contest will be going on all weekend long — GREAT PRIZES for the winners!!! BUT you must be a TPL member to participate to win. So join The Peoples Lounge today; It’s FREE and signup takes just minutes!
This weekend we are in search of GOOD MEN who can relate to Dr. Alcee Jules Baptiste (aka AJ), the leading man in LaConnie Taylor-Jones’ latest novel,When A Man Loves A Woman.
So exactly who is AJ Baptiste?
- He’s a Pediatrician and received his Medical Degree from Howard University
- He’s the 2nd oldest male in his family, but 3rd born of 6 siblings
- He’s single . . . yet, the PROUD father of adopted twin daughters, Taylor
and Tyler.
In short, AJ is a good man whose life is complete; well almost complete. The
only person missing in it is . . . Victoria Bennett!
It is no secret that AJ is in love with Victoria, but she wants nothing to do
with love and even less to do with him. Whatever happened in Vic’s last
relationship hurt her so deep that it has been impossible for any man to get
close and love her like she deserves to be love.
Just how long should a man pursue a reluctant woman? And how long would YOU
pursue a woman that is avoiding you; yet you know she is the one for you?
Put yourself in A. J.’s situation (or maybe you’ve been in that situation)
and leave your response to today’s challenge question at author’s Lounge
Space Comment Area - http://thepeopleslounge.ning.com/profile/laconnie
All responses will be judged by award winning writer, LaConnie Taylor-Jones!
* $25 Visa Gift Card
* $25 Amazon.com Gift Card
* 1 (24 x 36) Biggy Pix Poster of your favorite book cover art, photo, etc
Today’s contest challenge question ends today, Friday, August 15, 2008 at
11:59 PST
This contest is open to The People’s Lounge @ Ning.com members ONLY 18 years
of age and older.
Visit The People's Lounge at: http://thepeopleslounge.ning.com

The Urban Book Lounge Forum at TPL is where you will find me chatting with other TPL members and friends about my new book, When A Man Loves A Woman.
The Peoples Lounge (TPL), created by Wil D, is a social network where creative people from all walks of life come together to share, to grow, and to learn. TPL is committed to making your Lounge Space as fun, rewarding and feature rich as it can be!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
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