Friday, August 29, 2008
Writers of Color Blog Tour
Happy TGIF!!
Well, it's the last day of the A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour and to help us close out my wonderful month-long celebration of When a Man Loves a Woman is new author, Terra Little, who will feature my book and book trailer to all the readers and writers at Writers of Color Blog Tour!
Writers of Color Blog Tour is a place to review, discuss, and promote books, art, culture, and music by minority creatives. Terra Little, contributing author and moderator for the Writers of Color Blog Tour, is the author of Running from Mercy (JAN 2008: Q-Boro Books) & Where There’s Smoke (JAN 2009: Urban Books).
Visit Terra Little and her blog online today!!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Well, it's the last day of the A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour and to help us close out my wonderful month-long celebration of When a Man Loves a Woman is new author, Terra Little, who will feature my book and book trailer to all the readers and writers at Writers of Color Blog Tour!
Writers of Color Blog Tour is a place to review, discuss, and promote books, art, culture, and music by minority creatives. Terra Little, contributing author and moderator for the Writers of Color Blog Tour, is the author of Running from Mercy (JAN 2008: Q-Boro Books) & Where There’s Smoke (JAN 2009: Urban Books).
Visit Terra Little and her blog online today!!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nia Promotions welcomes A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour

The celebration of When A Man Loves A Woman continues and we invite all of our virtual book travelers to listen to the Nia Promotions’ Podcast as founder and president, Dana Pittman, talks with me about my new book and new career as a romance writer!
Nia Promotions is a marketing company that provides a variety of marketing services. We assist authors and publishers with Internet book marketing using strategy, branding, and education. We connect with our readers through Nia Virtual Book Tours and by hosting live webcasts with authors and publishing professionals, teleseminars, online workshops, chats, and virtual books tours. Expect it all from email marketing to creating and distributing online content using blogs, articles and more. Let us assist you in virtually promoting your product. For information about Nia Promotions visit
Dana Pittman, JD is the founder and president of Nia Promotions. She started Nia Promotions after running a family-owned website development company since 2001. Now, she and her team assist authors, publishing companies, small businesses and independent entrepreneurs with marketing strategy, implementation and maintenance.
Until next time - stay well and be blessed!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Writers Interludes features WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN
Tune in today to hear a candid discussion about my writing life with Writers Interlude host, Ann Brown!
The discussion will center on my latest release, When a Man Loves a Woman, and how handsome Dr. Alcee Jules (AJ) Baptiste is determined to find answers to two questions: What do you do when you are in love with a woman who won’t give you the time of day? How do you convince her that she really is meant to spend the rest of her life with you when she avoids you at all costs? A. J. knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Victoria (Vic) Bennett. But Vic wants nothing to do with love, and even less to do with him. So what is A. J. to do? He will do what a man has to do – resort to a bit of scheming to win her over! And when he does, Victoria Bennett will confess that when a man loves a woman, it really is . . . a love for all times!
Feel free to leave your thoughts via the Comment Line at (214) 615-6505 ext 9377. Thank you for listening to Writers Interlude!
The link to hear the podcast is: – The Radio
Until next time - stay well and be blessed!
Monday, August 25, 2008
LIVE on the KC Girlfriends Book Club Radio Show Tonight!!

Happy Monday Everyone!
It is the final week of our A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour and the celebration continues as we head for the Kansas City Girlfriends Book Club Radio Show this evening with host and book club president, TaNisha Webb. You can join this LIVE interview with me either by blog or by dialing in at 347-205-9981 — 8 PM CST/ 9 PM EST
Kansas City Girlfriends Book Club, under the leadership of club president, TaNisha Webb, began with a group of friends wanting to spend time together discussing all the books that they had been reading on their own. Through the love of books the group has grown and consist of 25 woman (men are certainly welcome to join them) who meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 4pm for 2 1/2 hrs. in various restaurants around the Kansas City area. They launched the KC Girlfriends Book Club Radio Show February 2008 and it has become one of the hottest live talk radio shows for authors and book lovers today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Love For All Times VBT heads for MySpace
Happy Friday Everyone!
Our A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour is headed for MySpace! Have you been traveling the information highway with me this month in hopes of winning an autograph copy my new novel, When a Man Loves a Woman?
Well, today is your lucky day because the members of the SistahFriend Book Club in Columbia, South Carolina are inviting club members, friends, and YOU to stop by their Blog at MySpace to answer a “very intimate” trivia question for a chance to win autograph copies.

SistahFriend Book Club @ MySpace
Then for more book club action, stop by Jeanette Wallington’s Blog for a wonderful review of When a Man Loves a Woman. Jeanette is the co-founder of the Motown Review Book Club, a pretty well known group who have hosted authors and literary events around the Detroit, Michigan area!

Jeanette Wallington @ MySpace
Stop by SistahFriend Book Club and Jeanette Wallington of Motown Review Book Club profiles at MySpace today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Our A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour is headed for MySpace! Have you been traveling the information highway with me this month in hopes of winning an autograph copy my new novel, When a Man Loves a Woman?
Well, today is your lucky day because the members of the SistahFriend Book Club in Columbia, South Carolina are inviting club members, friends, and YOU to stop by their Blog at MySpace to answer a “very intimate” trivia question for a chance to win autograph copies.

SistahFriend Book Club @ MySpace
Then for more book club action, stop by Jeanette Wallington’s Blog for a wonderful review of When a Man Loves a Woman. Jeanette is the co-founder of the Motown Review Book Club, a pretty well known group who have hosted authors and literary events around the Detroit, Michigan area!

Jeanette Wallington @ MySpace
Stop by SistahFriend Book Club and Jeanette Wallington of Motown Review Book Club profiles at MySpace today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
VJBS-Live welcomes A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour

Day 16 of our virtual book tour has us pulling in to VJBS-Live where blogger- extraordinaire and hopeless romantic, Vee Jefferson, shares her thoughts about the question, “does everyone have a soul mate? AJ Baptiste knew that Victoria Bennett was his soul mate in When a Man Loves a Woman.
Have you found your soul mate? Join the discussion and tell us all about he/she!
Vee Jefferson is a Registered Nurse, columnist, and freelance writer who writes on subjects ranging from health news and information, to entertainment. She is the owner of Jowaje, a health information site whose mission is - Education and Prevention ~ To Enlighten and Empower, and Jowaje Publishing home of her eBook, The Truth About Healthcare: Uncensored, a guide originally written for patients to help them understand how to get the best care while in the hospital. But this excellent book has also become a voice for nurses already in the profession as well as for doctors who are interested in a raw glimpse into the world of nursing! Visit Vee Jefferson online today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Harlem Writer welcomes A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour

Our exciting virtual tour stop for today is at Harlem Writer’s blog where he responds to my question: Other than a physical relationship, what are some other aspects men want in a relationship?
It was more than, Victoria Bennett’s great looks and body that intrigued AJ Baptiste and made him want her for his own in When A Man Loves A Woman. So check out what this blogger has to say about what men want; join the discussion!
Visit Harlem Writer Now!
So who is Harlem Writer?
Kendall Williams is originally from the Southwest. He relocated to the East Coast to pursue the bright lights of Broadway and off-Broadway, after a successful acting start in Houston theatre, print ad campaigns, and national McDonald’s commercials. He made the transition from actor to writer when he saw the dearth of quality roles for African American and other minority performers in the city that’s purported to be the melting pot of the world.
He’s a Freelance Writer and Editor in NYC. His feature articles, film, and dance reviews have appeared online and in print magazines. He’s the founder, workshop leader, and a participant in Morningside Writers Group. When not writing or editing, he enjoys rollerblading in Central Park and dancing barefoot with the West African drummers and dancers in the spring and summer.
He’s building his brand as a media critic and reviewer for online and print media outlets including his regular column on Stay tuned for the launch of Keneritz Media, a multimedia production company that will offer short film and documentary editing services, script development and coverage, media mentoring, and eventually film production and distribution.
Until next time - stay well and be blessed!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 welcomes A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour

It’s day 14 of the A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour and I'm spending it with Renee Williams at where the hot topic, “How many chances at love should a woman give a man? (something that leading lady Victoria Bennett had to answer in When A Man Loves A Woman)” is going to be explored!
Ladies, have some thoughts about today’s tour question? Then, share it with us at!
Visit now!
All The Buzz is the book reviews and literary event recaps blog of Renee Williams, the CEO & Owner of Literary Signature Services, an event planning business specializing in literary events for authors of every genre.
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Creative Thinkers International welcomes A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour

Our “A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour” is back on the information highway this week and headed for Creative Thinkers International (CTI), a very popular social community founded by Aberjhani, the award winning writer and co-author of Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance. With regards to the problems my main characters,AJ & Vic face with establishing a solid relationship in, When A Man Loves A Woman, I asked Abejhani, “Do you believe it’s the woman who brings stability to a relationship?”
Aberjahni's response, For the Love of Power and Stability in Relationships, is one that you don’t want to miss!
Creative Thinkers International is a free social community to explore, grow, share, and enjoy your creative success. The community is open to all those interested in either the production or appreciation of the creative arts which include literature, visual art, dance, music, film, spiritual theory, the social sciences, philosophy, general humanities, scientific inquiry, education in general, and other disciplines intended to enhance the quality of life for all humanity.
Visit and join Creative Thinkers International today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Love For All Times VBT Romance Conference Call

A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour
Romance Conference Call
with LaConnie Taylor-Jones and her mentor,
National Bestselling Author, Beverly Jenkins!
Hosted by The GRITS COM Literary Service
When: Friday, August 15, 2008
Time: 5 PM PST/ 7 PM CST/ 8 PM EST
How to Participate: Dial 1-218-936-7999 then enter the Access code 325446# (you press 325446 then the pound key)
Authors LaConnie Taylor-Jones and Beverly Jenkins will be discussing this evening the Romance Industry, the evolution of African American Romance, and how their roles and experiences as Black women have impacted their writing and their relationship.
This is a conference call you don’t want to miss! So please arrive early for this will be a recorded session and will be in presentation mode during the discussion so that everyone on the call will be able to listen in clearly. Our conference call line will be opened up at the end of their discussion so participants can ask questions and show LaConnie and Beverly some *LUV* before the call ends!
About Mentor and National Bestselling Author, Beverly Jenkins
Beverly Jenkins has received numerous awards, including: the Detroit Free Press Book of the Year, 5 Waldenbooks Best Seller Awards, 2 Career Achievement Awards from Romantic Times magazine, and a Gold Pen Award from the Black Writers Alliance. In 1999, Ms. Jenkins was voted one of the Favorite 50 African-American Authors of the 20th Century by, the nation’s largest online African-American book club.
Ms. Jenkins has been featured in many national publications, including the Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, Dallas Morning News and Vibe Magazine. She has lectured at such prestigious universities as Oberlin University; the University of Illinois; and the University of Michigan. She speaks widely on both romance and 19th century African-American history at libraries, schools and organizations including Romance Writers of America, and the Afro – American Historical and Genalogical Society.
Beverly is active in her church and community, and in November 2001 was a recipient of the YWCA Woman of Achievement Award. She was born in 1951 on the day after Valentine’s Day, which is perfect for a romance writer!
Visit Beverly Jenkins online today!
Follow Me To The People's Lounge!

A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour is headed straight for The People’s Lounge (TPL) this weekend -Friday through Sunday, August 15–17, 2008 - and we are in search of… GOOD MEN!!!!
So why are we in search of… GOOD MEN?
Well there’s something to be said about a man who really loves the woman in his life. And ONLY a man can really answer the tour questions we have in store for everyone this weekend! Ladies, this doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear from you, because we do! But this weekend, we want to take some time out to find out from the men… when a man loves a woman, is it really as our tour title states… A Love For All Times!!!
Contest will be going on all weekend long — GREAT PRIZES for the winners!!! BUT you must be a TPL member to participate to win. So join The Peoples Lounge today; It’s FREE and signup takes just minutes!
This weekend we are in search of GOOD MEN who can relate to Dr. Alcee Jules Baptiste (aka AJ), the leading man in LaConnie Taylor-Jones’ latest novel,When A Man Loves A Woman.
So exactly who is AJ Baptiste?
- He’s a Pediatrician and received his Medical Degree from Howard University
- He’s the 2nd oldest male in his family, but 3rd born of 6 siblings
- He’s single . . . yet, the PROUD father of adopted twin daughters, Taylor
and Tyler.
In short, AJ is a good man whose life is complete; well almost complete. The
only person missing in it is . . . Victoria Bennett!
It is no secret that AJ is in love with Victoria, but she wants nothing to do
with love and even less to do with him. Whatever happened in Vic’s last
relationship hurt her so deep that it has been impossible for any man to get
close and love her like she deserves to be love.
Just how long should a man pursue a reluctant woman? And how long would YOU
pursue a woman that is avoiding you; yet you know she is the one for you?
Put yourself in A. J.’s situation (or maybe you’ve been in that situation)
and leave your response to today’s challenge question at author’s Lounge
Space Comment Area -
All responses will be judged by award winning writer, LaConnie Taylor-Jones!
* $25 Visa Gift Card
* $25 Gift Card
* 1 (24 x 36) Biggy Pix Poster of your favorite book cover art, photo, etc
Today’s contest challenge question ends today, Friday, August 15, 2008 at
11:59 PST
This contest is open to The People’s Lounge @ members ONLY 18 years
of age and older.
Visit The People's Lounge at:

The Urban Book Lounge Forum at TPL is where you will find me chatting with other TPL members and friends about my new book, When A Man Loves A Woman.
The Peoples Lounge (TPL), created by Wil D, is a social network where creative people from all walks of life come together to share, to grow, and to learn. TPL is committed to making your Lounge Space as fun, rewarding and feature rich as it can be!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
When a Man Loves a Woman is a favorite at Book Strumpet

It’s day 9 of my virtual book tour and today's stop is at Book Strumpet, where reviewer Anne Ficklin says When a Man Loves a Woman, “. . is a charming tale of love, trust, and healing – and really, how can I not enjoy a book that starts out with “I’m gonna kill him!” Check out Anne’s review today and let her know your thoughts!
Book Strumpet celebrates, amazingly enough, books! It is written by and for people who all have one thing in common: a passionate love for books and reading. They aim to make the site have the feel of a festive party where everyone is talking about books. Charlotte Rains Dixon, the editor-in-chief of Book Strumpet, is a free-lance writer, novelist, copy writer and creative writing teacher living in Portland, Oregon, with frequent trips to LA and Nashville.
For more information about this site and its reviews, visit Book Strumpet online today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
VBT Continues with Author Lynn Emery
Today, my virtual book tour is headed right for Lynn Emery’s savvy blog, “As I Was Saying . . .” Read and learn about the wisdom of forgiveness, and weigh in on the conversation by leaving a comment for a chance to win a copy of my heartwarming novel, When a Man Loves a Woman!
Lynn Emery, who began writing at the age of 11, is the author of 12 novels written for five major publishers. She sold her first novel in 1995 to Kensington publishing for their groundbreaking Arabesque line. NIGHT MAGIC went on to be recognized for Excellence in Romance Fiction for 1995 by Romantic Times Magazine. Her third novel, AFTER ALL, became a BET movie starring Holly Robinson Peete as Michelle Toussaint, an investigative television reporter, on December 3, 1999. In 2004 Lynn won three coveted Emma Awards: Author of the Year and her novel KISS LONELY GOODBYE won Best Novel and Favorite Hero. A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Lynn writes after work and on weekends.
Visit Lynn Emery online today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
VBT Day 7 - Hanging Out with Author Gwyneth Bolton

It’s day 7 of my A Love for All Times Virtual Book Tour and I'm hanging out with my author friend and Soror over at! Today's question is this: “Is a romance novel the only place a woman can find a beautiful, strong Black man to love? Stop by and share your thoughts. Two lucky people who post a response to today’s questions or leave comments, will receive a copy of my latest novel, When a Man Loves a Woman. But remember, you have to be in it to win it! So stop by Gwyneth’s Blog today!
Here's a little something about Gwyneth. She's a romance novelist and has been reading romance fiction since the ripe old age of 12. In the 1990s, she was introduced to African American and multicultural romance novels and her life hasn’t been the same since. She has a B.A. and an M.A. in English and creative writing and a Ph.D. in English and composition and rhetoric. She teaches classes in writing and women’s studies at the college level. She has won several awards for her romance novels, including four Emma awards and the Romance in Color Reviewer’s Choice award for new author of the year. When she is not teaching or working on her own African American romance novels, she is curled up with a cup of herbal tea, a warm quilt and a good book.
Visit Gwyneth Bolton online today!
Until next time - Stay well and be blessed.
Monday, August 11, 2008
VBT Day 6 - Let's Talk About Betrayal

Happy Monday Everyone!
A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour is back on the information highway this week and I'm spending the day with my friend and sorority sister Ann Christopher. Stop by! and join the discussion on betrayal - one of the themes from my latest novel, When a Man Loves a Woman. At the end of the day, we'll give two copies away to lucky commenters.
Ann Christopher practiced law for six years before retiring and becoming a stay-at-home mom after her second child was born. Ann’s romance writing career launched July 2006 with the release of Trouble and then Risk in February 2007. Ann also writes for Harlequin/Kimani and her first book with them, Just About Sex, was released in March 2007 and her second book, Sweeter Than Revenge, was release January 2008.
Visit Ann Christopher online today!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Friday, August 8, 2008
VBT Conference Call Celebration hosted by Reader's Paradise Book Club
It’s the weekend b-a-b-y and you’re invited to . . .
A Love For All Times Conference Call Celebration
featuring award winning author, LaConnie Taylor-Jones
hosted by Reader’s Paradise Book Club, Chicago, IL
When: Friday, August 8, 2008
Time: 7 PM CST/ 8 PM EST
How: Dial-in Conference Call Celebration number 1 (218) 936-7999; enter Participant Access Code: 325446#
The first 2 guest (non Reader’s Paradise Book Club Members) to log into the teleconference celebration with LaConnie Taylor-Jones will receive a copy of When A Man Loves A Woman.
Note: This is a recorded session so dial in early!*
About Reader’s Paradise Book Club, Chicago, IL . . .
Reader’s Paradise Book Club is a group of spiritual sisters who live in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. The club meets once a month (usually the last Saturday) at a club member’s home. Book discussions start at 3pm and end around 5:30pm. Reader’s Paradise reads a variety of books: mystery, comedy and fiction; they’re open to read anything that holds their interest. To learn more about this very special group of avid readers, visit their MySpace Profile and their detailed book club profile at Book Club Central!
A Love For All Times Conference Call Celebration
featuring award winning author, LaConnie Taylor-Jones
hosted by Reader’s Paradise Book Club, Chicago, IL
When: Friday, August 8, 2008
Time: 7 PM CST/ 8 PM EST
How: Dial-in Conference Call Celebration number 1 (218) 936-7999; enter Participant Access Code: 325446#
The first 2 guest (non Reader’s Paradise Book Club Members) to log into the teleconference celebration with LaConnie Taylor-Jones will receive a copy of When A Man Loves A Woman.
Note: This is a recorded session so dial in early!*
About Reader’s Paradise Book Club, Chicago, IL . . .
Reader’s Paradise Book Club is a group of spiritual sisters who live in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. The club meets once a month (usually the last Saturday) at a club member’s home. Book discussions start at 3pm and end around 5:30pm. Reader’s Paradise reads a variety of books: mystery, comedy and fiction; they’re open to read anything that holds their interest. To learn more about this very special group of avid readers, visit their MySpace Profile and their detailed book club profile at Book Club Central!
VBT Day 5 - gives ‘When a Man Loves a Woman’ 4 stars

The weekend is almost here and my 5th tour stop this week is at where reviewer, Stephanie Rollins says, “Taylor-Jones coffee-fueled nights created a great story. Read and recommend to your friends. I look forward to more of her books.”
Check out 4 star review of When a Man Loves a Woman online today!
Click to Visit today - More about . . provide book reviews and editing services with ease and speed to authors and publishers by keeping their system simple. Visit them online today for more information!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
We're at APOOO Book Club Today!!

It’s day 4 of our my virtual book tour and today’s destination is a special one. I'm over at APOOO Book Club where we answer the question, ”does everyone have a soul mate in life?” Listen to my podcast as I read an excerpt from my latest novel and discover how leading man, A. J. Baptiste is determined to make leading lady, Victoria Bennett, see the obvious - their relationship is a love for all times!
Club members and visitors who respond correctly to the trivia question at the end of the podcast will have a chance to win Gift Certificates or autograph copy of my latest book, When a Man Loves a Woman!
Visit APOOO Book Club now!
APOOO Books was founded in 2000 by Yasmin Coleman. APOOO, an acronym for a place of our own, is an online African American literary community dedicated to advancing African American literature. Our mission is to expose readers of all ages to a good book in any genre; to support African American authors, books, literary events and bookclubs; to provide marketing resources and tools to authors; and, to promote literacy within the African American community.
APOOO Books: Promoting Our Voices, Sharing Our Stories!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Guest Blogger at Written Voices

I'm stopping off today at Written Voices, a very popular literary blog for authors, avid readers, and visitors at! It’s day 3 of my virtual book tour and I think it’s about time you find out why I call myself an ”old school” romance writer. Listen to the passage from my latest novel, When a Man Loves a Woman. Aaah, you'll get a real appreciation for what "old school" romance is all about!
Featuring Hot Books You Don’t Want to Miss! Since 1999,’s mission has been pretty simple - to provide a unique and resourceful Web site. There are many Web sites that report black news or seek to keep you updated on your favorite entertainers, but we strive to serve you the individual, hopefully passing on information you can use in your daily life. On our literary blog, ”Written Voices,” book lovers will find exciting author interviews, book trailers, book tours sneak peeks and much, much more!
Visit Written Voices online now!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Join Me At The SistahFriend Book Club Today

Club members asked me to give them one word to describe myself. To find out what that word is and much more, visit the SistahFriend Book Club . I'll be their Spotlight Author for August and sharing an excerpt from my new novel, When a Man Loves a Woman!
The SistahFriend Book Club is a local and online reading and networking group for women that focuses on reading and discussing books by African-Americans and promoting unity through women empowerment and fellowship. Founded in November 2004 by Tasha Martin, the sisterhood began with four members in Columbia, South Carolina. Once a month, members bond as sisters and discuss literary works in settings designed according to a theme, place, or character in a selected read.
In March of 2007, the SFBC opened its membership online, adding an interactive dimension to its website, Online features include: book reviews, author spotlights, book features, author and reader chats, and a message board for both readers and writers to stay connected. The group also publishes an online newsletter once a month to highlight authors and women leaders in the community. In the Fall of 2007, the club began hosting authors at site meetings and conducting live book reviews with the online radio show, Urban Literary Review. At the start of 2008, the SFBC will celebrate its third anniversary by opening a second branch in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Until next time - stay well and be blessed!
Monday, August 4, 2008
What's Between The Covers?
Can a romance fiction involve more than the ‘happily ever after’ between the lead characters?
Well, I certainly think so!
And you don’t have to be an avid romance reader to enjoy the real-life issues that are used as story premises by many of today’s romance authors.
These authors pen reads that are fresh, clear and decisive, a far cry for the ‘bodice rippers’ of old. In fact, the story premise of my latest release, When a Man Loves a Woman explores the issues of betrayal, forgiveness, and perseverance after the lead female character discovers that her ex-husband is gay. Hmmm, you probably didn’t expect that in a romance novel, huh??
That’s precisely my point. Not all romance fiction involves those fairy tale stories of the rich boy meets poor girl. I’m not trying to convert anyone to romance fiction. The choice is yours. However, you just might find a really good read or two in the romance section of the local book store.
Until next time – stay well and be blessed.
Well, I certainly think so!
And you don’t have to be an avid romance reader to enjoy the real-life issues that are used as story premises by many of today’s romance authors.
These authors pen reads that are fresh, clear and decisive, a far cry for the ‘bodice rippers’ of old. In fact, the story premise of my latest release, When a Man Loves a Woman explores the issues of betrayal, forgiveness, and perseverance after the lead female character discovers that her ex-husband is gay. Hmmm, you probably didn’t expect that in a romance novel, huh??
That’s precisely my point. Not all romance fiction involves those fairy tale stories of the rich boy meets poor girl. I’m not trying to convert anyone to romance fiction. The choice is yours. However, you just might find a really good read or two in the romance section of the local book store.
Until next time – stay well and be blessed.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My ‘A Love For All Times’ Virtual Book Tour Begins Next Week!
“Old School” romance writer, LaConnie Taylor-Jones is back, and her first virtual book tour with The GRITS COM Literary Service will be coming to a computer screen near you,
August 4-29, 2008!!
Attention Cyber Travelers!
You’re invited to join my - A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour!
I've teamed up with The GRITS COM Literary Service to travel the information highway starting Monday, August 4, 2008 to share and talk about my latest contemporary romance novel, When A Man Loves A Woman, the sequal to my debut, When I'm With You, that won the Romance Slam Jam 2008 Emma Award.
If you would like to join me each day of my tour, you have 3 great options:
1. You can stop by my blog here each day for I will be blogging about all the stops I make this month; or
2. You can join my blog's mailing list or RSS feed (along the top right of this site) which will send you an email alert straight to your inbox the minute I post my tour destination for the day; or
3. You can visit Virtual Book Tour site at - – to view my tour schedule each day and connect with me from there too.
So you decide how you want to join me; okay I will see you online next week!
Until next time - stay well and be blessed.
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